Research and Payment Schedule

Open source research on a variety of topics including but not limited to history, military history, current events, architecture, photography, interpretation of historic or legacy images, fine art, and family histories.

Research fees are usually on an hourly basis to be determined at the onset of the project with travel expenses billed separately. If a single one-time fee for the entire project has been negotiated fifty percent of that fee will be required at the start of the project with the balance at completion. Mileage will be charged at current accepted rates.

Photography and Payment Schedule

General Photography including but not limited to photographic project documentation encompassing construction progress, real estate, vehicles, research related imaging, informal portraiture, architectural documentation, fine art photography. Other types of photography may be discussed on a project by project basis. Collaboration on photographic projects or portfolios is possible.

All photographic projects will utilize the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) contract form.